How Allicater Works | Estonia’s Catering Marketplace
Everything needed for events

Instant offers

Tell us what type of event you're planning and when. Allicater AI will select the most suitable caterers and make an initial offer on their behalf. Review the offers, request changes if needed, and communicate directly with the caterers.

  • Offers right away
  • Modifying offers fast based on feedback
Easy to use

Compare offers

All offers are in the same format, making them easy to compare.

  • Trustworthy
  • Feedback-based system
Create your first event Create your first event

Share your offers

In addition to standardized offers, they can also be saved in PDF format, making it easy to share with different parties.

  • PDF
  • Clarity and transparency
Allicater iOS app
iOS and Android app


We are currently working to release an Android app. The iPhone app is ready and can be downloaded from the App Store.

iOS app

Create an event,
get offers and underlineenjoy!


Create an event

Describe the event and catering you want. Allicater will select the caterers that best suit it.


Get offers

After the event is created, Allicater makes automated offers, which the caterers and the event creator can modify if necessary.



Choose the suitable offer and enjoy the event!